Joseph Nichols has 23 years of experience in the field of Civil Technology. This all started in 1999 at Thompson School of Applied Science, at UNH, where he graduated with an Associates degree in Civil Technology & Surveying.
Joe’s working experience started as a summer internship with New Hampshire Soil Consultants, which turned into a full-time job. During his employment at NHSC, then at GZA Geo Environmental (purchased NHSC) and most recently before going out on his own he most recently worked with Beals Associates in Stratham NH.
During his years with NHSC, GZA Geo Environmental, and Beals Joe was able to apply what he had learned from UNH. He is very competent in field work, AutoCAD, project management, permitting and all the variations of the job.
“You could not ask for a more honest, reliable, professional, knowledgeable person, to do the needed work. I have known Joe for many years and I would highly recommend him.”